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Epidendrum nocturnum


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bin dis donc c'est chez toi que tf1 aurait dû aller faire le reportage avec toutes ces belles fleurs (plus de trucs fleuris que chez cere)


superbe fleur arachnéenne!!!ça fait plaisir de voir que les baveux de merde ne bouffent pas tous les boutons

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Raoul a beaucoup plus de plantes que moi et il a 2 serres pour les a aussi beaucoup plus de floraisons que moi mais il ne les poste pas sur le forum...


quand aux fleurs , j'ai remarqué que certaines semblent ne pas attirer les bestioles bien qu'étant accessibles...pourquoi ? je ne sais pas.....on pourrait presque faire un tri...

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  • 2 months later...

j'avais écrit en février début de saison ...effectivement 3 mois après nouvelle série de fleurs....sur 4 anciennes cannes (surtout ne jamais couper cette extrémité qui parait sèche....elle redonne ....plusieurs années) 2 nouvelles pousses sont en train de former leur première flo...dans le creux de leurs feuilles...



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Il y a 2 heures, jean françois a dit :

Comme quoi il faut couper, que le plus tard possible !

Il est superbe, j'adore !!!

après c'est peut être une particularité de cette n'y en a pas beaucoup qui fleurisse en continu sur une tige ayant déjà donné...

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Taxomony according to Eric Hagsater

The Groups of Epidendrum that have been created so far by Eric Hagsater are provisional and have not been formally described as yet, and in them, many but not all of the species listed in this encyclopedia are listed below in these groups:

GROUP Alberti Characterized by the sympodial habit with laterally compressed to ancipitous to fusiform-thickened stems giving rise to both terminal and lateral, racemose, distichous inflorescence with more or less imbricating bracts and carrying a single successive flower.

Group Albomarginatum Characterized by the monopodial, verticle, scandent, zigzag habit, cane-like below stems, somewhat thickened along the apical middle-half or third to form a fusiform pseudobulb, the new stem originating just below the thickened part of the previous stem, apically bifoliate. The leaves are linear-lanceolate to linear-oblong in shape.

GROUP Alpicolum Characterized by the simple, cane-like stems, narrowly elliptic acute leaves, long, narrow, 1 to 2 spathaceous bracts giving rise to a foxtail-like inflorescence with small flowers with a lip that is fleshy, prominently midveined when dry, a triangular midlobe and large, orbicular lateral lobes that are larger in surface area than the midlobe, also with a prominent, emarginate, entire clinandrium

GROUP Amblostomioides Characterized by the caespitose habit, the thinly fusiform stems carrying narrow, apically bilobed, subcoriaceous leaves distributed towards the apical half of the stem that blooms on an often large, apical, erect, paniculate infloresence carrying greenish yellow to white flowers with a 3 lobed lip and with the ovaries and sepals usually dorsally pubescent

GROUP Amphyglottinae

GROUP Anceps Characterized by the simple stems giving rise to a generally elongate, compound racemose inflorescence producing new successive racemes over time and carrying fleshy flowers with filiform to narrowly spatulate petals

Group Ancipitosum At present a monotypic group "Characterized by the pendent, caespitose plant, ancipitose stems, with many narrow, long linear-lanceolate leaves, an apical racemose inflorescence, without spathes, the flowers pendent, resupinate, with linear petals, and widely cordiform lip, single callus, and devoid of any pillose hairs on ither the disc of de lip nor the nectary. " ICONES ORCHIDACEARUM Fascículo 15(2), The Genus Epidendrum Part 11. (PDF Download Available).

GROUP Andean Characterized by the monopodial stems branched above, the ovate to ovate-elliptic, acute to short acuminate leaves, the lateral sepals obliquely united to the base of the column, and clearly three lobed lip

GROUP Anisatum

GROUP AquaticumCharacterized by the monopodial, branching habit, the distichous, erect inflorescence, with fleshy flowers, and the disc of the lip and/or nectary often pilose. The species is recognized by the lanceolate leaves 3.5-17 x 1-1.8 cm, rugose above, glaucous underside, inflorescences erect, distichous, usually racemose, sepals partly spreading, 9-12 mm long, petals linear and reflexed, lip 3-lobed, lateral lobes hemielliptic, mid-lobe triangular lanceolate

GROUP Arbusculum Characterized by the successive lateral growths arising from the middle of the previous stem and carrying a few leaves aggregate towards the apex that blooms on an arching, terminal inflorescence with membraneous, colorful flowers with a bicallose lip.

GROUP Aristisepalum - See Group Coronatum

GROUP Bambusiforme

Characterized by the caespitose habit, tall, bamboo-like canes with numerous long, acuminate leaves, and the numerous lateral, racemose inflorescences

GROUP Batesii Characterized by the new stems arising in the apical half of the basal stem and can be as along as basal stem and those closest to the apex are produced first, then later but shorter stems arise further down the basal stem.

GROUP Bicirrhatum Characterized by the caespitose habit and simple, short, leafy stems blooming with a compact, nodding inflorescence with conspicuous floral bracts as long as the ovary and carrying many fleshy, green and or white flowers with a deeply bilobulate lip with sometimes cirrhate lobules and thin, unequal pollina with the inner pair being smaller without being of the bird-wing type.

Group Blepharistes Characterized by the sympodial, creeping habit, the erect, thickened below to fusiform above below the leaves, an apical, elongate, racemose inflorescence with new ones arising from the nodes of the peduncle carrying resupinate, bicallose flowers.

GROUP Bracteosum Characterized by the sympodial, caespitose habit with laterally compressed, ancipitous, few leafed stems enveloped by tubular, scarious sheaths that blooms on a racemose to paniculate, 3 to 11 flowered, arching inflorescence with prominent, acute floral bracts, and carrying partly spreading flowers with an entire lip, generally auriculate at the base with a tricarinate disc that is also 4 cuniculate on each side of the calli which also has fleshy laminar thickenings below

GROUP Brevivenium Characterized by the creeping habit, larger plant

GROUP Capitellatum Characterized by the erect succulent stems with non-articulate leaves, a spherical head of fleshy greenish flowers with a bicallose lip and has no spathaceous bracts

GROUP Carolii Characterized by the caespitose habit, short, unbranched, laterally compressed stems carrying thick, coriaceous, leaves and has a long, rat-tail-like, arching, nutant with basal long bracts and carrying many successively opening flowers.

GROUP Chloe Characterized by the sympodial, caespitose plants with simple, very thin stems carrying grass-like, acuminate, suberect leaves and blooms on a racemose, lax, few flowered inflorescence with delicate flowers with a more or less cordate lip

GROUP Coronatum Characterized by the relatively large plants with stems carrying many leaves and blooming on an apical, racemose inflorescence without spathaceous bracts and large waxy flowers with a 3 lobed lip that is basally bicallose.

GROUP Cristatum Characterized by cane-like stems carrying many large, narrow leaves, the apical inflorescence subtended by several, large, acute, imbricating bracts through which arises a nutant, racemose inflorescence carrying fleshy flowers with a three lobed lip with entire margins.

GROUP Cuchibambae Characterized by the caespitose habit with simple stems carrying oblique leaves and blooms with 1 to 3 large, successive flowers with a deeply cordate, square lip with small auricles in relation to the rest of the lip arising on a distichous, rachis with large bracts

GROUP Dendrobii

Characterized by the sympodial, caespitose, canelike, tall stems with several short lateral inflorescence with several flowers per raceme, and has a short or reduced clinadrium hood.

GROUP Difforme Characterized by the caespitose, sympodial plants, fleshy, pale green to glaucous leaves apical inflorescence sessile, rarely with a short peduncle, single flowered to corymbose, without spathaceous bracts, fleshy, green to yellowish green, rarely white flowers

GROUP Diothonea Characterized by the branching habit, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, bilobed leaves, the arching-nutant, racemose inflorescence, membraneous to rarely fleshy flowers with an entire to 3 lobed lip with an erose margin, no calli with or without 1 to 10, thin, smooth to erose keels and the column united to the lip from totally to obliquely united to free.

GROUP Elleanthoides Characterized by thin, branching stems carrying narrow, grassy leaves and has a hair-thin peduncle of the inflorescence and carries successively opening, small delicate flowers

GROUP Epidanthus Characterized by the short, small somewhat scandent plants with very thin stems carrying very narrow, more or less fleshy leaves each one with a small, triangular, acute opposing ligule that blooms on an apical, distichous, usually secund inflorescence and has 2 to 4 pollina.

GROUP Epidendropsis Characterized by the small, monopodial, branching plants with filiform, usually paniculate inflorescence without a spathe. Formerly given species status for the 2 pollina found in this group but that is inconsistent.

GROUP Equitantes PabstCharacterized by the pendulous habit, imbricate leaves that the apical larger ones somewhat hide the terminal flowers

GROUP Excisum Characterized by the sympodial, caespitose habit and the cane-like stems carrying many leaves and 1 to 2 large spathes which give rise to a racemose to open panicle with a few branches carrying medium sized flowers with a three-lobed lip.

GROUP Eximium Characterized by the relatively short plants to 16" [40 cm] tall, the sympodial, non-branching, few leafed stems that blooms on an apical, generally racemose inflorescence that is short, shorter than the apical leaf and carrying bell shaped, showy, greenish yellow to green with brown or purple tinted flowers with an entire lip, and very small calli.

GROUP Ferreyae "Characterized by the sympodial, caespitose habit, cane-like stems with numerous leaves, apical inflorescence subtended by 1-2 large spathes, and a nutant, heavy racemose to paniculate inflorescence with numerous large, fleshy, attractive flowers. The new species is recognized by the large sub-orbicular lip in outline, the margins revolute, with the mid-lobe short, wide and deeply emarginate, thus bi-lobed, formed by two semicircular small lobes strongly revolute, not evident in natural position; sepals 12-16 mm long, petals are oblanceolate, sub-acute, 2.2-3.0 mm wide. "

ICONES ORCHIDACEARUM Fascículo 15(2), The Genus Epidendrum Part 11. (PDF Download Available). Available from: [accessed May 10, 2017].

GROUP Filamentosum Characterized by thin, short, pendant stems arising from the previous stem carrying a single, persistent, apical, linear-lanceolate, acuminate leaf [the juvenile stem has several leaves] and an apical, short, racemose inflorescence and has successive, fleshy, narrowly 3 lobed, margin of the lateral lobes dentate to ciliate, the anther is narrowly ovoid and long surpasses the apex of the column.

GROUP FrutexCharacterized by the simple, cane-like stems, caespitose habit, erect, narrowly lanceolate leaves, the paniculate, disitichous inflorescence, the pendent branches, and the numerous, small, fleshy, successive flowers subtended by short, wide, rigid floral bracts.

GROUP Fruticosum Characterized by the caespitose to creeping habit with thin stems, subcoriaceous leaves and blooms on a racemose, few flowered inflorescence with greenish to purple tinged flowers with the disc of the lip fleshy thickened with 3 rounded keels

Group Goodspeedianum Characterized by the sympodial, caespitose, cane like stems, paniculate inflorescence, leaves with prominently marked veins, flowers with an entire lip and the margin erose to fimbriate and has filiform petals.

GROUP Hemiscleria Characterized by the caespitose habit, the simple stems with numerous oblong-lanceolate leaves subparallell to the stem, an apical inflorescence with a strong peduncle and a very thick rachis with racemose, subglobose, dense, produced in a fascile around the rachis, fleshy, hard, bright orange-yellow flowers.

GROUP Inornatum Characterized by a scandent rhizome, erect habit, linear-lanceolate leaves and short, 4-7-flowered inflorescence subtended usually by 1-2 prominent, acute to acuminate, sub-imbricating sheaths.

GROUP Jatunsachanum Characterized by the caespitose habit, many narrow leaves, the apical and or lateral inflorescence that produce new inflorescence through time, a long and thin column, flowers with filiform petals, a three lobed lip with a bifid midlobe with the apical margins fimbriate and carrying 2 small calli, the disc with 1 to 3, low rounded, fleshy keels, and obovoid, laterally compressed pollina with soft, granulose caudicles that are longer than the pollina

GROUP Kalopternix Characterized by the single to few reddish-brown purple flowers, often resupinate, the petals narrower than the sepals, the lip more or less cordiform, sometimes apically 3 lobed, ecallose, usually with a thickened, low, rounded rib running down the middle, the column is short and forms a right angle with the ovary which is also short.

Group Kockii Characterized by the caespitose habit, with 1 to 2, fleshy succulent leaves, an inflorescence subtended by 1 to 2 spathaceous bracts and 1 to 3 resupinate or not flowers with a prominent, fleshy, vernicose, 3 lobed lip.

GROUP Lanium Characterized by the puberulent to ciliate peduncle, ovary and or tepals and was considered a separate genus on the presence of an undivided lip which is attached only at the base of the gynostemium.

GROUP Laterale Characterized by the sympodial, caespitose habit with fusiform, 1 leafed pseudobulbs that blooms on a simple, distichous, apical inflorescence arising from a rudimentary pseudobulb and carrying fleshy, pale green flowers.

GROUP Loefgrenii Characterized by the sympodial, caespitose plants blooming on a terminal, subumbelliform inflorescence subtended by prominent, wide, truncate, spathaceous bracts and has an ovary with an inflated nectary that forms a vesicle.

GROUP Macrostachyum Characterized by the erect, branching, cane-like stems giving rise to an erect to arching, many flowered inflorescence without a spathe, the very fleshy lip that is folded and embracing the column and a pubescent to papillose nectary in front of the stigmatic cavity

GROUP Magnoliae SUBGROUP Propinquum Characterized by a sympodial, bush-like habit with thin stems carrying subcoriaceous leaves and blooms on a racemose, few flowered inflorescence with mostly yellow to pale green flowers sometimes marked with purple.

GROUP Mancum Characterized by the sympodial habit, narrow spathaceous bracts with parallel sides, an erect racemose inflorescence with non-resupinate flowers and a generally reduced, fleshy lip.

GROUP Megagastrium Characterized by the sympodial habit, with new stems arising from the middle node of the previous one, a prominent round to ovate spathe, a few non-resupinate flowers and a papillate, excavated disc of the lip

GROUP Megalospathum Characterized by the caespitose but branching habit, many leafed stem, fleshy, oblique leaves a short few flowered racemose inflorescence subtended by a large semi-ovate spathe carrying a few resupinate flowers with the column obliquely united to the lip, occasionally free.

GROUP Mutelianum

GROUP Nanodes Characterized by the caespitose to creeping sympodial plants with the short stems enveloped completely by the base of the non-articulate, fleshy, imbricate leaves and having a sessile, few flowered inflorescence

GROUP Nanum Characterized by the Dichaea-like pendant stems with pairs of apposing flowers on an inflorescence without spathaceous bracts and has prominent floral bracts

GROUP Neowilliamsia Characterized by the ancipitous stems and rachis with conduplicate, acute bracts and usually non-resupinate flowers with an often digitate lip and has 2 pollina with 2, hard, laminar caudicles

GROUP Nocturnum Characterized by the simple stems carrying large star-shaped flowers usually with a 3-lobed lip

GROUP Oerstedella Characterized by the sympodial habit, mostly verrucose stems, and the rostellum which is perpendicular to the axis of the column instead of parellel, forming a wide, open sinus, as well as not having a viscidium

GROUP Pachychilum " Characterized by the monopodial plants with sub-apical branching, rugose leaf sheaths, by the relatively small leaves, parallel to the stem, the short, racemose, erect inflorescence, brightly colored flowers, yellow to orange to reddish pink, with an entire, conduplicate, lip embracing the column, without any pubescence in front of the stigmatic cavity nor on the lip, but generally with two small calli. " Hagsater 2015

GROUP PergracileCharacterized by the sympodial, caspitose to sometimes somewhat creeping habit, stems cane-like, simple, several leaved, with an elongate, apical, racemose, lax-flowered inflorescence, the flowers are star-shaped, membranaceous, the lip 3-lobed, not fleshy thickened, bicallose, the mid-lobe rectangular to triangular, the lateral lobes dolabriform to semi-orbicular

GROUP Philippii Characterized by the simpodial, caespitose habit, laterally compressed stems, successive flowers and a generally sub-erect, paniculate inflorescence, the peduncle with up to 4 prominent, conduplicate, ancipitose, bracts covering the lower part of the peduncle.

GROUP Physinga Characterized by the generally small, caespitose plants with an apical, racemose inflorescence that produces new racemes in time and carries successively opening flowers with only one open at a time on an elongate peduncle with acuminate bracts, an entire lip and an ovary with a prominent vesicule.

GROUP Pilcuense Characterized by the short peduncle of the inflorescence and the 3 lobed lip

GROUP Piperinum Characterized by the monopodial, short, branching habit, the filiform petals and the entire, ecallose lip

GROUP Pleuranthium Characterized by the caespitose habit, cane-like, elongate stems with several short, lateral inflorescence

GROUP Polychlamys Characterized by the successive lateral growths arising from the middle of the previous stem carrying a few leaves towards the apex and has a distichous, apical inflorescence with prominent, conduplicate, acute, glumaceous floral bracts

GROUP Polythallum Characterized by by the much branched stems, with a tall primary stem, numerous secondary and tertiary stems and the numerous shorter flowers stems, the nodding inflorescence bears only 3-4 pale yellow flowers, lip wine-red except for the calli and apices of the lobes which are pale yellow, sepals connate at base, narrowly oblanceolate, petals linear, obliquely acute at the apex, lip deeply 3-lobed, with 5 parallel ribs on the disc and a pair of radiating shorter ribs on the lateral lobes which are obliquely triangular..

GROUP Porpax Characterized by the small creeping habit, succulent leaves and blooms with single flowers from a small spathaceous bract carrying mostly green flowers with a shiny wine-red lip.

GROUP Pseudepidendrum Characterized by the caespitose habit with cane-like stems carrying acute to acuminate leaves usually blooming on an apical inflorescence and carrying flowers with filiform petals, and a usually 3 lobed lip with 3 parallel fleshy keels, with the apical lobe often bifurcate and has "bird wing" type pollina.

GROUP Psilantherum Characterized by the fusiform pseudobulbs, racemose to paniculate inflorescence usually arising from an aborted pseudobulb carrying attractive flowers with a 4 lobed lip with divaricate, oblong lobes and yellowish dotted reddish purple tepals

GROUP Quispei Characterized by the monopodial branching stems with the new ones arising from a subapical internode of the previous stem, the lack of spathaceous bracts, 1 to 2 bracts on the peduncle, a racemose inflorescence carrying star-shaped flowers with the petals somewhat narrower than the sepals and a deeply cordiform and acute lip.

GROUP Ramosum Characterized by the repent to erect, branching stems, the distichous inflorescence and the lip with a single callus

GROUP Rigidum

GROUP Rothii

Characterized by the by the caespitose habit, and the ecallose lip with low keels and 4 cunicula formed between the keels, with only Epidendrum rothii known to date within this group.

GROUP Rupestre Characterized by the caespitose, sympodial habit, the pseudobulbous stems carrying 1 to 4 fully developed apical, leaves, no spathes at the base of the erect, racemose to paniculate inflorescence and an ecallose lip with several fleshy, thickened keels on the disc

GROUP Saxicola"Characterized by the pseudobulbous stems, racemose inflorescence subtended by a prominent spathaceous bract, and few, showy flowers, either resupinate or non-resupinate. The species is recognized by the creeping habit, fusiform, uni-foliate pseudobulbs, the erect, few-flowered inflorescence, non-resupinate, second, purple flowers, the petals oblanceolate, the cordiform lip united to the column throughout."

GROUP Scabrum Characterized by a branching stem with infundibuliform, rugose, leaf sheaths and carrying acute, aristate, lanceolate leaves blooming on a short, thin, capitate inflorescence and has flowers with a bicallose lip. - See GROUP Andean

GROUP Secundum Characterized by the caespitose habit, the numerous coriaceous leaves, the generally elongate peduncle to pluriracemose inflorescence with brightly colored flowers generally pollinated by hummingbirds, with the caudicles of the pollinarium granulose, and the tetrads appearing like a loose stack of roof tiles.

GROUP Smaragdinum Characterized, by the caespitose, sympodial habit, the stem carrying many leaves of which the surface is parchment-like when dry, the thickened rachis and carrying small, successive, basically green flowers

GROUP Spathiger Characterized by the sympodial habit, coriaceous leaves, and the racemose, distichous inflorescence carrying fleshy green to purplish flowers

GROUP Takulumena Characterized by the small Vanda-like plants with simple imbricating, distichous leaves that blooms on a lateral, complicated inflorescence that produces new single flowered segments over several years.

GROUP Tandpanianum Characterized by the subcaespitose habit, 2 ranked leaves facing one side of the stem, single flowered inflorescence, with a large, triangular, bicallose lip

GROUP Ventricosum Characterized by the sympodial habit, the few leaved stem, the prominent spathaceous bract and the resupinate flowers, mostly bright purple with a wide, smooth nectary that does not penetrate the ovary

Group Violascens 2 hard, yellow-cream pollina distinguish this group and caused it to be placed in a new genus by Garay, Epidendropsis, which Hagsater feels is unessesary

Group Viridipurpureum Characterized by the caespitose, sympodial habit, the subcoriaceous leaves, the prominent spathaceous bracts and the wide [not filiform] petals, the pollina that is laterally compressed but not quite to the bird wing type, and the midlobe of the lip is bifid.

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